Minimizing workplace injuries and controlling workers’ compensation costs are top of mind for most businesses.
If you have a manufacturing facility or you’re in construction, for example, you’re thinking about the topic every day. You might ask yourself: “How are we doing with our workers’ compensation program?” and “How can we improve?” Your risk managers also are speaking with their peers at other businesses to learn what they’re doing, what techniques they’re using, and what’s successful.
If you have a unique risk management approach or a success story to share, we'd like to hear about it -- and so would our readers. Enter your company in the National Underwriter Excellence in Workers’ Compensation Risk Management Award program today. The award recognizes those with outstanding loss control, safety and return-to-work programs and is open to companies of all sizes in all industries.
Your award-winning program will be featured here on PC360.com; in the pages of our August print edition; and in a special panel at the Workers' Compensation Institute's annual Educational Conference in Orlando.
The 2015 award is co-sponsored by Safety National, which offers a range of alternative risk funding products for workers’ compensation through independent insurance agents and brokers, and Sedgwick Claims Management Services Inc., the leading global provider of technology-enabled claims and productivity management solutions.
There is no fee for entering your submission for this award.
How to nominate your workers’ comp program
To nominate your company for an award, you must be a risk manager or someone who works in a risk management department of a U.S. company, responsible at least in part for the organization’s workers’ comp program. You also must fill out an application, including a company profile, which will be kept confidential. Submissions must be received by June 17, 2015, to be considered.
If your program is selected as one of the three award winners, you’ll receive
- An exclusive profile in the August 2015 issue of National Underwriter Property & Casualty and on PropertyCasualty360.com.
- Round-trip airfare to the leading event for Workers’ Comp professionals — The Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference on Aug. 23–26, 2015 in Orlando, Florida — where we’ll present the awards, and two nights’ hotel accommodations. (Learn more about the event here.)
- The opportunity to discuss your award-winning program during a roundtable panel held at the Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference (with highlights appearing in National Underwriter Property & Casualty’s October 2015 issue and on PropertyCasualty360.com).
Profiles: 2014 award winners
To give you an idea of the kinds of organizations that participate in National Underwriter’s award program, here are brief profiles of the 2014 winners:
- Seeking Zero: AmQuip strives for a rate of zero incidents through extensive safety training of its union workforce and being ‘a real pain’ to its carrier
- Best on the Bayou: Danos’ culture of safety yields a record number of incident reductions in often treacherous conditions
- King of the Hill: For Iron Mountain, a personal approach to claims handling cuts WC costs in half
Time is running out! Send in your Excellence in Workers’ Compensation Risk Management Award nomination today!